The Chai-Khoran Palace was a temporary retreat for Pahlavi kings and was built almost 70 years ago, during Reza Shah Pahlavi’s reign. The Chai-Khoran Palace is approximately 4,000 square meters in area, has a European-style architecture, and is located on the south of Mo’allem Square in Chalous in northern Iran. It has been registered as a national heritage site in Mazandaran Province.
The history of Chalous’ Chay-Khoran Palace
At the time when the Chai-Khoran Palace was built, tea was new to Iran. Drinking tea became common over time and was slowly ingrained in Iranian culture.
Reza Shah Pahlavi valued that tradition when he reigned over Iran. He ordered that a palace be built to preserve the culture of tea drinking in the country. While commuting, he usually stopped by at the palace, hence the name Chai-Khoran Building (chai means tea in Persian) refers to this…