Nations are like teas: each has its own unique character.
Let’s try to collect an online library of national tea recipes (tea + appetizer), giving each Master an opportunity to present their personal take on the history, culture, fashion, and future of tea drinking in their country.
Let’s call this action “My National Tea Party”!
Participating is very simple: write down a recipe for an appetizer representative of your country and a tea that can be paired with it, attach photos of the products (use national symbols, if possible, to identify your country) and publish:
1. On Facebook – post the recipe with photos in your account and send us the post as “proposed” in the Tea Masters Club group, and we will gladly share it on our pages.
2. On Instagram – post the recipe with photos in your profile or story and mark @teamasterscup so we can repost it.
3. Don’t forget the hashtag #mynationalteaparty
We are sure that your recipe will be appreciated not only by your professional colleagues, but also by all tea lovers!