In accordance with the decision of the TMC Board of Directors, a new cycle of the qualifying competitions 2021/2022 was launched on July 21. It was also decided to renew the mandate of Ms. Sharyn Johnston as Head Judge for this cycle.
As it is known, due to the ongoing pandemic, qualifying competitions are not held in many of participating countries. At the same time, the holding of world championships in the cycles 2018/2019, 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 was postponed. However, TMC Head Quarter hope that immediately after the end of the pandemic and the restoration of international flights, the necessary steps will be taken to restore the previously existing schedule of the world championships. In particular, the HQ is already discussing the possibility and of holding in one of the tea producing country a joint competition for all missed world championships, in which all winners of the national qualifying competitions will take part.