Austrian and Australian (so as not to confuse) specialists supported by Red Bull GmbH have collected data from researches on caffeine consumption in different parts of the world, processed them and came to the following conclusions.
First, none of the studies recorded caffeine intake at doses exceeding the recommended maximum (400 mg per day). The closest approximation to this point is Austria, where adults consume an average of 357 mg of caffeine per day.
Secondly, the main sources of caffeine are coffee, tea and soft drinks, with energy drinks (which, as you might have guessed, the researchers paid special attention) contributing little to total caffeine intake.
Third, the leadership of coffee, tea or soft drinks as sources of caffeine depends on the age of consumers and the country of consumption. In the US, it’s coffee and soft drinks. In Canada — soft drinks and tea. In England and Ireland — tea, while in the rest of Europe — coffee. In Australia — soft drinks and coffee. In New Zealand — coffee and tea. In South Korea — coffee, with an outstanding breakaway (89%).